I seriously feel like I am in a decorating/ updating rut around here. I’m at that spot in finishing our home where I don’t really know where to go or what the next step is. We have most of our main furniture pieces (even if I'd like to upgrade some of them), I think that our rooms function well for what we need, but I don’t know how to bring my house up to another level. What do I add? Should I take things away? Will I have to spend big bucks to get my home looking more polished? How do designers make a room feel so complete and finished?

I feel like I am at a crossroads of sorts. So, I have been trying to brainstorm and think about what I can do next. I tried to do some research on the subject but Google wasn’t playing ball. I guess Googling things like “How can I bring my homes decor up a level?” didn’t really translate well. It brought up pages that were literally talking about raising a home’s elevation. Eek! Not what I’m looking for!
So I looked up my
Pinterest page and started to look at rooms that I like and decide what makes them seem finished? Here is a list that I’ve come up with for how improve my homes overall look:
Texture: There is so much beautiful fabric out there that I really should start adding more fun pillows, change up the curtains (or add curtains at all in other rooms), or be more creative covering items with it. No matter how much Jeff may disapprove I’d even like to add more rustic elements like burlap, wicker and wood. I need to start adding things that will bring in more layers on top of what I already have and I hope it will create more depth in our spaces.

Kristen, at the blog
Sixth Street Design (source for the picture above), really knows how to do this. I think she may be obsessed with fabric and pillows a little bit . . . in a good way. But while following her blog I’ve been introduced to a lot of wonderful fabrics and has really made me aware of what a difference just a little (or for her, sometimes a lot) of fabric can do to a room.
Art: I am always way too cheap to buy
real art. Like, I won’t even pay $30 bucks to get something off of Etsy. That may be okay if I had any artistic talent whatsoever, but I have tried making my own art before and failed miserably. I need to just buck up and but the Benjamin’s down! My grandparents have a cabin that is full of art and paintings they have collected over the years. I LOVE IT. Each piece has a story, or brings back memories of where it used to hang in their old house. I need to think of art as of an investment and something I will enjoy for many years. Maybe I’ll start slow, and purchase less expensive items first, then try and work up my courage for more substantial pieces.
Finish those finishing touches: DUH! I have lots of little unfinished projects around my house. Example? We still haven’t replaced our base boards from the flood. If I can tackle those small projects here and there I am sure my home will start to feel more finished. I’d like to have a few quick lessons and familiarize myself with Jeff’s power tools. That way I could safely dive into projects myself, instead of waiting around for that magical day when we are both off work at the same time. Last time we refinished the floors getting the molding done was my favorite part! I couldn’t believe what a different it made.
Go outside my comfort zone: Contrary to how it may sound above, I love my house. It totally feels like home to me, an escape from the big bad world. BUT, I think I need to stretch myself more when it comes to the interior. Maybe try a color I normally wouldn’t go for, or take a leap when I usually always hesitate. Nesting place did a
post last year dedicating a day in March as "Take a Risk Day." I need to heed her advise and start taking a lot more risks around here!
I see stylist who suggest purchasing multiple items to try them out in a space to see which one works the best, and then return the ones that didn’t. I, of course being super cheap, would never try and do that. But, at the same time, I have issues like- I feel I can never get the bookcase in the living room styled right. Maybe it’s because I’ve had the same items on it for pretty much 4 years! I should try something new. Maybe multiples of something’s new and see what actually ends up working!
(Lucky for me one of my favorite stylist
Emily Henderson is starting lessons on her blog next week about how to style things. Hurray for me . . . and anyone else that reads her blog. She is also the source for the picture above.)
If all else fails, hire a decorator for a consult: I most definitely can’t see myself laying out thousands of dollars for an interior designer to come re-do my house, but designers do a lot more than that these days. I could hire a designer to come in, look at my space with fresh, well trained eyes, and have them give me some new ideas on how to finish my space.
For a little more mula a designer can even be hired just to finish a space off and make it seem more complete. Crazy right? And with all the design bloggers out there that will send you a mood board or can be hired a la carte, it is more in reach these days than ever. I think it would be fun, but I’ll see how far I can get on my own first by trying some of these ideas above.