So that I have everything all in one place, I thought I’d write down a list (I’m feeling very list-like lately) of all the cool sites that host online magazines.

You can find Styled here.
Next on the list has to be Lonny Magazine. This Bi-monthly magazine is so great. The editor and chief is the same as that other beloved magazine that was squashed a few years ago. For the life of me I can’t think of the name of it right now, which is awful, but the magazine is most definitely not. Maybe Domino magazine? No matter, Lonny definitely stands on its own and I LURVE it!
You can find Lonny here.
I’m also starting to fall for Trad Home. I don’t know why the older I get the more traditional my taste becomes. I think it’s kind of odd, but I’ll go with it. Maybe it’s because I’m tired to paying for things and just want pieces that will last a long time? Whatever it is, Trad Home online magazine is a great way to introduce myself more fully into the world of traditional home decor.
You can find Trad Home here.
A more recent discovery to me is Matchbook magazine, even though they’ve been around for just over a year. This is a great “lifestyle” type magazine, more than just about pretty things, although there are plenty of pretty things to be found inside the pages (or screens ?) of this magazine.
You can find Matchbook here.
Another good stand by is Rue magazine. So, so pretty and full of inspiration. This one kind of skirts both design and lifestyle as well.
You can find Rue here.
And lastly I found a few other online mags while searching for all those links above. These look very promising and I’m excited to test them out!
Ivy and Piper
Nesting Newbies
Pure Green
I can barely believe all this amazingness is available for free online. I am not much for magazine subscriptions that come to the house, but I totally adore these online magazines. Enjoy!
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