Jeff didn’t seem to think it was a big deal leaving for so long, but I knew it’d be a bit lonesome, so we rallied the troops and went out to eat with a bunch of family before he left.
We ate at a new spot called Genghis Grill. It was super good; I totally recommend it, especially for a big group like we had. It was so fun to just sit around with parts of both of our families and visit. We are so blessed to live by so much family. (Funny note- we ended up sitting by this couple that use to be Jeff’s parents neighbors, who had moved out of the neighborhood 5 years ago. What are the odds?)
Besides gathering the family up for a visit, I also made my hubby a little traveling survival kit to pack away in his suitcase. It included playing cards, word games, some of his favorite snacks, my trademark “Traveling Action Plan” full of good eats and places to see, and a handwritten letter for each day he was gone (which noted something different I would miss about him each day while he was away).
I’m not sure if he really got much use out of his traveling survival kit, but at least he knows his wife loves him like a nerd loves quantum physics. Some things I noticed while being on my own . . .
1-Making the bed in the morning is much easier without Jeff tossing the bedding to and fro during the night. Honestly, it barely even looked like someone slept in the bed when it’s just my lonesome.
2-Instead of the regular 4-5 loads of laundry during the week I only had one load. IT WAS HEAVEN! (As laundry is my long time hated nemesis.)
3-The garbage never magically emptied itself and moseyed to the curb for pick up. It’s odd because I’ve always just assumed it was magically done before? Along with some other house hold chores.
4-My house is very, very quiet and I may or may not have started talking to myself and our cat Opal to add a bit of noise.
It was a long week. I hope he doesn’t make a habit of leaving on business trips! I made sure he came home to a nice clean house, a miniature Welcome Home banner, and dinner in his own bed with his favorite shows still unwatched on the DVR.
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