Maybe wanting to change out the lighting to something less Hollywood . . .

BUT, in reality, I really should just be trying to figure out a paint color, right? (Thanks for the suggestions) I have many home decorating fantasies. Yes, they really are fantasies, I dream about decorating sometimes once or twice a week. It’s a sickness. And again, yes, it really does feel like a sickness when you don’t have the funds or talent to pull them off.
There is one fantasy, however, that I think we might actually be able to bring into reality. I love the look of Wainscoting or Board and Batten in a bathroom. It looks great in any room really, but I’ve always had a soft spot for that traditional touch in a bathroom. Both our bathrooms are so small I couldn’t imagine that it’d be too much money or hassle to try our hands at a DIY wall treatment.
Those may be famous last words, but I started to look into the process and what it might cost. There are many tutorials on the subject and lots of information out there to find. I first started to look up the ones I’ve had pinned on Pinterest, you can find them here, here, and here.

Here is what I took away from my quick research:
- Board and Batten can typically be accomplished for less money than Wainscoting, especially if you planned on using a Wainscoting Kit to make it a little easier on yourself (like I would).
- There seems to be a couple of standard heights for Board and Batten, the lower height is 3 feet and the taller is 5 feet.
- There doesn’t seem to be a standard for the width between the vertical boards. I saw everything from 16 inches to 24 inches. Most people stayed bigger than a foots width between the boards, but it was just dependent on their space and airvac returns, light switches, and whatnot.
- In order to cut costs on the Board and Batten, you can forgo the Board (the smooth back paneling boards) and just put up the Batten (the vertical boards.)
- The costs seemed pretty steady between $100- $250 bucks for a modest sized room.
- I totally want to actually price out what it would be to Board & Batten my bathrooms! I can maybe do this!