Our guest bathroom is one of the last wall surfaces that has yet to be painted in the house. So far the only other walls that have made it untouched includes the master bathroom (white), the stairwell (eggshell), and all the closets (white). Every other room in the house has been painted since we moved in.
The guest bathroom was probably one of the rooms that needed it the most however (right after the master bedroom, which was an awful mauve color when we moved in), so the fact that it has made it untouched this long is bananas. Now that I have most of it primed, I’ve realized what I’ve done. I’ve primed the room without a real plan. What was I thinking? At first I thought I could just use the leftover paint we recently uncovered in the garage from other projects and rooms, but I don’t think I have enough of one color for the whole room, and so far I have not been creative enough to think of a way to use all the leftover paints to cover the room.
I think I got myself in a real pickle here. If I just go buy a $20 buck of paint then I’d be sure to have enough paint, but what color would I choose when all the colors of the rainbow are now open to me? I can tell Jeff is really Jonesing for some REAL COLOR. He is not really the pale blue and gray type that I have covered the rest of the house with. After all, he is the guy that picked our neon green kitchen color that I have grown to love. He actually really liked the color that was on the walls before. Honestly, it wasn’t that bad to me either, but it just didn’t really jive with the rest of the house and whoever painted it did a horrible job.
Parts of the wall that should have paint didn't have paint. As seen by the medicine cabinet.
Parts of the room that shouldn't have paint do, like the vanity cabinet.
It definitely needs to be painted, but now what do I do? I’ve always pictured painting the room a dark gray, like Martha Stewart’s Trout Gray.

But now that the walls are light, I kind of like the change. I am not one of those people that thinks small rooms have to be light to make them look bigger. I am perfectly fine painting a small room a dark and cozy color, but in this room I just like having such a change from a dark color to a brighter color. I can’t really just go for a lighter tone of gray because that is what the hallway, the guest room, and the office that all sit adjacent to the bathroom are painted in. I need a little color to spice it up.
Jeff has thrown out a light peach, purple, dark blue, or orange, I can tell he just wants some COLOR up in this house. Now I am thinking of maybe having more of a sea glass greenish blue color (surprise surprise) instead of a dark gray.

I’m not really sure where it will all end up. Any suggestions would be appreciated. All I know is that I need to think of it sometime soon, because you’re not supposed to just leave primer on a wall for too long. Dust and all kinds of grossness can get stuck on it. The clock is ticking!
I love gray on walls. Love love love. But maybe not in a bathroom (though you do have fantastic natural light, so maybe it would work). I wonder if you could find an awesome shade of orange (the fun swirlies on that shower curtain remind me of suns, so you could play on that. Also, it's kind of beachy; hmmm). Maybe a tan.
Because I love paint colors, I shall help you.
I like this one http://www.hgtv.com/color/our-10-favorite-orange-rooms-from-designers-portfolio/pictures/page-5.html
OR you can combine gray and tan with this beauty http://www.benjaminmoore.com/en-us/for-your-home/pottery-barn-paint-colors#/view_interiors/room_17/HC-86/
Although, this blue is divine http://www.benjaminmoore.com/en-us/for-your-home/pottery-barn-paint-colors#/view_interiors/room_05/HC-147/
Also, they really did a crappy job painting the bathroom. How embarrassing for them.
Jen- I am in love with those two Potterybarn colors. I think I know what I'll be doing for the next hour during my lunch!
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