1) Have my hair professionally dyed a dark auburn.
2) Go on a 'real' date with Jeff once a month, no family members invited.
3) Blog once a month.
4) Update my wardrobe with at least 5 fun and totally non-essential items.
5) Lose 20 lbs, feel more fit.
6) Take a road trip.
7) Organize the garage and all our tools.
8) Re-vamp the office. It needs an overhaul.
9) "Grow up" our decorating style a little.
10) Paint the hallway and stairwell.
11) Frame the dried flowers from our wedding.
12) Print the disposable camera pictures from our wedding.
13) Make a window treatment for the kitchen window.
14) Complete 5 crafts from the Martha Stewart Encyclopedia of Crafts.
15) Find at least 5 go-to recipes from "Not Your Mother's Slow Cooker Cook Book."
16) Take better pictures with my Nikon.
17) Write, record, memorialize my grandparents history.
18) Sew something.
19) Decide if I'm going back to school and for what.
20) Stop drinking caffeinated soda.
21) Tithes.
22) Pray more.
23) Go to the temple once a quarter (4 times a year)
24) Read the Book of Mormon again.
25) Get preggo.
26) If preggo, decorate the cutest nursery ever!
27) Read 6 books.
28) Reduce our monthly expenses by 10%

29) Learn how to play my favorite piano song from the Sense and Sensibility movie.
30) Take a trip with just Jeff and I for our 30th birthdays.
A couple weeks ago 'the girls' (meaning Heather, Lora, Sage & Jade, as always) and I went on a little day long road trip to Rhyolite, NV.

Like the dork that I am, I did a little research so that I could be the 'tour guide' for the day. The research simply went on notecards in my back pocket. (Don't worry, I wont bore you with the history lessons here on the blog). Rhyolite is just a couple hours outside of Vegas and makes for a great day trip.

We started the fun at the candy shop in Beatty, NV while eating Subway for lunch. After the candy shop we took the 11 mile trek out of town and walked around Rhyolite. On the road we shared our mounds of yummy candy goodness.
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