2009 - oh so cliche
But as I look to the next year I can't help but think of what I would like to accomplish in it, even though I am not the biggest resolution maker, these are a few things I'd like to be better at in the next year:
- Save more money
- Pay off more debt/ stay on budget
- Look more put together on a consistent basis
- Feel secure in my job/ get promoted
- Do the laundry, grocery shop, and clean more regularly and on a schedule
- Spend more time with family
- Meet new people
- Hug Jeff more often
- family prayer/ FHE/ scripture study more regularly
- Be strong (physically and emotionally)
Looks like I need a blackberry or something for the next year. Everything seems to correlate with being on a more regulated schedule and not being lazy, the struggle of my life.
It's Christmas Time in the City
What a better way to get into the Christmas spirit than snow? Driving home and playing in the snow last night I was so giddy and kept giggling. It was so much fun. Who knew I missed snow so much?
I hope everyone was safe - and I hope everyone had as much fun as I did.
The colleges in Nevada suck!
I'm not saying I need to be handled with knit gloves, but isn't the higher education system in Nevada suffering? Don't you think they would want the nearly $500 it cost for a student like me to take one freakin' class? I will be a great student at whatever college I eventually can register at but who knows if I will ever be able to or if I can. There are so many hoops and requirements and FEES to just try and register for one class - all before I know if the class I want is even still open. It is ridiculous!!! Sorry for the rant but I just had to get it out. Even navigating their websites is a mess. I went to little SUU - not a huge school - and registration with them was much simpler and achievable. Maybe that is why I chose to go out of state and pay for part of it rather than go to school for free in Las Vegas.
I'm being a Grinch

I've been listening to my Holiday mix in my car, I went over to help the in-laws decorate their Christmas tree, and Jeff and I are even playing Joseph and Mary at our ward Christmas dinner, but it still doesn't feel like Christmas. What are some of the best ways to get into the Christmas spirit?
So, I have wanted to continue the house naming tradition here on the mainland as well. Even if no one knows the name of our house I love giving things nicknames, and of course Jeff is the king of nickname giving, so it only seems right for our house to have a name.
Jeff and I were discussing possible names and of course he came up with the perfect one. We feel like even though the house is a SFR it feels more like a town home or a condo because of the 1 car garage and close proximity to the neighbors. We decided that the houses name should be "Condhouse," not quite a condo, not quite a house. We were thinking of other names that refered to the mud color of stucco or it's foreclosure status, but this seemed to be the right one.
I realize that I name almost everything, my cars, furniture, strangers, etc. I think humans as a whole have an obsession with labeling and naming everything. For example, the skin on the human elbow is named the wenis, why does the skin on the elbow need a name? Or for that matter a car? But I know I will continue to name things and find strange pleasure in it.

While we were there we got good news, our offer on a house has been accepted!! Looks like we will be home owners by the end of the year.
About to be Homless
As much as I hate our apartment and the scary people who live there and break into cars and stuff, I am going to miss our own space. How does living with your parents work when you are married? Can I still cook our own dinners or do I just help my mom cook what she is having for dinner? Will we have to set days to do our laundry? Hopefully, it wont be for long, and we wont impose too much.
Strangely, I'm also really going to miss living in the first place that Jeff and I lived together as a married couple. No matter how gross, or dark, or scary, it was our home. I loved the time I got to spend with Jeff inside those walls over the last year. This next chapter of home-hood will hopefully be even better. I am grabbing boxes from work and starting to pack tonight.
AHHHH This stinks!
It has been a fun last couple of weeks. We went up to Cedar City, UT for my Cousins farewell, which also happened to be on mine and Jeff's anniversary weekend. We managed to get a little alone time in, we took a walk in the park and ate at my favorite restaurant in Cedar from my college days.
This weekend we just spent relaxing, so I decided to bake my first pie. I made an apple pie from scratch. I'm still too scared to taste it but I hope it turned out alright. I don't have things like a rolling pin or an apple corer so I just made due.
We put an offer in on a house this week so I needed something to occupy my mind. We are still waiting to hear if the bank is going to accept our offer but I can't help decorating the house and planning in my head. I needed a distraction and pie is always a good distraction!
Tonight we are going to see We are Scientist and Kings of Leon so that will be a good distraction too! The tickets were part of my anniversary present for Jeff. We are Scientist was the show we saw on our first date years ago. Since it was the paper anniversary I gave him the concert tickets, a scrap book of him when he was little, and cuff links made from vintage typewriter keys. It was all paper themed.
Keep your fingers crossed for us on the house!
1 year later . . .
1. I fully expect to never take out my trash again.
2. I was once someone who assembled my IKEA and Target furniture all by myself without any electric power tools. Now, when we buy new furniture I get Jeff his bag of electric tools and tell him to have at it.
3. I use to sprawl out and take up my whole queen sized bed. Now, I can't go to bed without Jeff snuggling up next to me.
4. I watch sports.
5. I don't take time to read my phone, computer, or TV manuals anymore, I just have Jeff show me how to do it.
6. If Jeff works on the weekend, I have no idea how to occupy my time. This is where my nesting projects come in handy.
7. I feel my heart sink a little every time I see a little kid. I can barely wait to have kids, be a mother, and see what a wonderful dad Jeff is going to be.
8. We go out less, I read more.
9. I cook.
10. I don't bother searching for new music or bands that I might like, I just have Jeff upload new play lists of bands HE thinks I might like onto my ipod. (I've actually found a lot more and better music this way).
Basically, what a lot of this list says about me is that I have become useless and lazy since getting married. With that aside, I love being married, and maybe it isn't such a bad thing to rely on someone else to do certain things. I really do feel like we work as a team very well. I can't imagine being single again living day to day without him. I loved being single, I loved being independent, but I love him A LOT more. Lets just hope I do eventually get off my butt and take out the trash myself!
These curtains and pillow were my favorite project though. I made these for Heather's Birthday. The yellow matches her couch perfectly! The gray on the sides match her kitchen.
I like to make things with my hands, no matter how they turn out. I think it is a sickness. I guess we will see if Heather actually ends up hanging them up, even with all the mistakes. I did have fun though, The two
I thought to myself today, after looking at a great danish styled mid century modern kitchen table - maybe, just maybe, Las Vegas has some hidden treasures. So I went on a "Scavenger" hunt of my own on our local Craigslist site. I often check Craigslist for little things I think I need, but never really look with the idea that I could decorate my whole home with this stuff. Today, while searching for random things, I found some really neat stuff.

I LOVE being sick
It hit me too that Jeff and I are coming up on our year anniversary in September. It does not seem like it has been that long at all! I still can't believe that after all this time he hasn't gotten on my nerves yet? I know that sounds silly but it is actually amazing. Even when I was with him 24/7 last week when I was sick he never once was annoying?!? On the contrary, I was so sad to leave him on Friday to go into work. I just want to snuggle up to him and listen to his silly jokes and stories for always. I could never imagine being with anyone else, I am so glad that I truly found my best friend to spend eternity with. I could not ask for a better husband, he knows me so well, takes great care of me when I don't, and has the most generous heart. Now - what do you get the love of your life for a 1 year anniversary present?
I've been trying to focus by making this phase more of a personl design defining point, really looking at what I want my home to look like and how I want it to come together over the next few years. In this, I feel hopeless as well, I like way too many design eras and styles. My home will have to be eclectic to fit everything I love in. I think I can have it all work out though. I love the clean lines of mid-century modern and the art deco eras for the over all theme but then I'd like to have punches of modern graphic designs or a baroque styled piece of furniture scattered though out my house to give it a little more interest and personlity. I'm still trying to find some blog or design spread that fits this style for some inspiration, but most likely if I do find an inspirational piece then that will just spur more desire for more decorating and more nesting and more projects. Argh! How can I win this battle?
Now, thanks to one of my new favorite blogs - Design Mom - and being bored at work - I found another great little store that sells great house dresses. The Shabby Apple - http://www.shabbyapple.com/default.aspx - they have a ton of cute dresses that really wont break the bank, especially

I love that retro dresses are in style right now.
I think that it is pretty funny the way things work out. When I was in college I really thought I wanted to be a career woman, that the traditional roles for women were so degrading and I wanted to do something better. I'm not saying that I didn't want to have kids or a family, I did, but I was going to do it on my own-by my terms. Now that I am married I can hardly wait to start a family. Four years later I wish I could quit my job tomorrow to be a full time mom running around in little 50's house dresses, sewing, baking and teaching my children. I still want to do things my own way but I now no longer take shame in those traditional roles that have been given to women; instead I relish in them, take great pride in how important the role of a woman is (which I do understand to be more than baking and sewing). So, yes, now I get very excited over a dress and love it.
News- So my Birthday is fast approaching. I love my Birthday!! Growing up my family would always make fun of me because I would start talking about and planning for my birthday months and weeks in advance. But birthdays are great days, it's the one day a year where you can try and have your day go as YOU WANT it to, without too much gilt about what you "should" be doing. That's right, on my birthday I don't look at my laundry and think to myself "oh that is really starting to pile up, I better start a new load". I don't think about all the errands I have to run or things I've forgotten. On my birthday I wake up and do what I want to do, whether that is starting a new project and NOT finishing it or simply just laying in my pajamas for a while - I do it my way at least one day a year!
This year is especially exciting as my new job, I guess it's not so "new" anymore, lets us have our birthday off without going into vacation time. This year will also be especially fun as Jeff and I are hosting a BBQ with both of our families. I don't know if both of our families have gotten together since we were married. I am already trying to plan for decorations, food and drinks with some kind of fun theme. I was thinking a jewel purple would be great to decorate in as I am loving that color right now but not enough to incorporate it into our apartment or anything that would last too long as I'm sure my need for the color will be short lived. I love planning family gatherings and having all these people I care about under one roof. With any luck we will be having the party at my sisters condos club house so we have plenty of room for games and a heated pool!
Originally, Jeff and I wanted to go to San Francisco but with plane and gas prices the way they are we decided to keep it close to home. We are hoping that next year we will be able to have these kinds of events in our own home. With house prices coming down so much we are starting to get excited at the prospect of actually being able to afford a home! We know this troubled market is probably the only way we will be able to afford to buy in the Vegas Valley for the next couple years while we are in school - so we want to get in while the getting is good. We do have one issue though that I wouldn't mind if my imaginary readers would give some advice on . Jeff will hopefully be going to graduate school in the next few years - which is great. However, we are not sure where he will be going to grad school and if we will be staying in Las Vegas. So - what will the housing market be like in 3 years? Will we be able to sell or rent if we need to? Will we be out money or will we have made a buck or two? I wish we could see into the future to know what to do but we are just going to have to make our best guess for the moment I presume. If anyone reads this what do you think?
Shake Us Free
Track 2: The Plot by White Rabbits
Track 3: A-Punk by Vampire Weekend
Track 4: Don't You Evah by Spoon
Track 5: Is There a Ghost by Band of Horses
Track 6a: Smokers Outside the Hospital Doors by Editors
Track 7:Borne on the FM Waves of the Heart by Against Me! (featuring Tegan from Tegan and Sara)
Track 8a: Kill Monsters in the Rain by Steel Train
Track 9: Your English is Good by Tokyo Police Club
Track 10: Icky Thump by The White Stripes
Track 11: Timebomb by Beck
Track 12: Earth Intruders by Bjork
Track 13: North American Scum by LCD Soundsystem
Track 14: Bodysnatchers by Radiohead
Track 15: Hey Jude from the Across the
Track 16: Black Magic by Jarvis Cocker
Track 17a: Hot Knives by Bright Eyes
Track 18: Lake Michigan by Rogue Wave
Track 19: When Your Mind's Made Up by Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova
Track 20: I Made a Resolution by Sea Wolf