
The Blog Reno

There seems to be a lot of rules about blogging these days, how many times you need to post, how many tweets or instagrams you should post a day, how to create "your brand," and lots of classes on how it should be done. I don't think that this is that type of a blog, blogging is not my day job. I blog to try and keep myself motivated to do my odds and ends around the house. I blog so I have somewhere to talk/write about design, crafting, my day, work, or whatever (this also helps keep my DH from having to listen to hours of me talking about paint colors). I blog because I'm MUCH better about blogging than keeping a journal (although, I could still be much more of a consistent blogger). I blog for a creative outlet.

Blog-o-sphere complaining aside, I like blogging and think it's a fun hobby. I hope this blog helps give others ideas, or is a happy stop in someones day. I hope it is a good creative outlet and helps bring more beautiful things into my life, and maybe even a few others if I can help it. Recently, I don't feel like my blog is working for me. I mean, I've been at this for years, and I have tried to re-design, streamline my topics, or create a "brand," but it just isn't my jam. I think I just want to blog about whatever is going on in my life, not just design or home improvement. For example, I also am very involved in my church, I also happen to work a couple of jobs and have gained nifty skills, I'm obsessed about my dog. Things the world must need to know, right?

Okay, maybe not. But I've decided to try and give my blog yet another little renovation. Make it look better, be more organized, and just in general work better for me (and in turn, hopefully for others as well.) I read blogs a lot, and it's always fun to go to their site and BAM! Everything is different and pretty and organized. Well, like I said, I'm not that kind of a blog. And in the wise words of Sugar Brown "Ain't nobody got time for that!" So instead, I think I will take you along in my journey  of a BLOG RENO.

I don't plan on doing anything too crazy, just streamlining it all really. I also plan on writing more about what is on my mind or inspiring me at the moment and not worrying about weather it fits within a "brand." I basically will just try and make the blog work better for me and for others. I have so many projects around my house right now it's not even funny. I need to get re-energized and blogging really helps me do that, keeps me more organized as well.

Here is my beginning "to do" list:

Streamline Labels
Add "buttons" for social media and stuff
Add an Instagram Roll
I like links to blogs I like and topics instead of them cluttering up the side bar
Make "Search" field in side bar
remove the blogspot header
Make it look sleek and cleaner overall
Use my real camera for pics and rely less on my phone camera

Now, knowing me, it might take me a year to get this done. It's real life over here, but my goal is to try and do something blog-clean-up related at least once and month and share my wisdom struggles. I just put it all out there so I hope I will follow through. After all, that is why I'm blogging in the first place. Wish me luck!

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