We recently had our
roomie move out. Okay, so not very recently, she has moved out and is already MARRIED! (Which I am beyond excited about - I love Mat and Lora!). But with our little one leaving the nest we have our spare room spare again. Now, it's even painted a wonderful purple hued gray.

My quest is to make a lounge/guest space with no budget. Not that I am going to go out and buy the whole room from Room and Board, but rather, I need to decorate this space for free. With the recent money put into the office and fixing our flooring downstairs (Flooded. More on that later), I don't really have additional funds for a guest room. Plus, prayers answered, we will have a little one filling this space within the next year or so. There really isn't any reason to go out and spend a bunch of money on a room that will hopefully be in transition soon enough.
In the meantime however, having it sitting there empty is totally bumming me out. Not only do I not have a much beloved roomie, but there is no bun in the oven to imagine filling up the space. The empty space creeps me out. So, with no budget I need to fix it. I might have to buy nails and glue or something, but really this will be a work with I've got project. I wonder what I will come up with? How fun!