This year I went pretty simple compared to past years. I made Jeff these silly little magazine holders that are designed to hold his most prized possession, his comic books and graphic novels. Yes, I am married to a dork. Not only are these meant to finally give Jeff a place to store his comic books, but also a promise to finally re-do the office. For reals this time.
I painted the magazine holders with chalk board paint on the outside and an nice burnt orange on the inside, to match the colors in our office. On the chalk board side I drew different scenes from comic books and had re-stickable super heroes I made out of comic book trading cards. This way Jeff can make up his own stories, or draw to his hearts content and wipe is away when he's done. This would be a great project for a youngin', or a husband with a young heart.
I also got him this marvelous book by Rob Ryan. It is a love story made out of his paper cutting art. I just fell in love with the art and the story.
I woke up, gave him a message and made him breakfast, which is pretty standard for this holiday. This year Jeff helped with breakfast though. I think it was because we got to use the Star Wars pancake molds I got him for Christmas. I didn't get any pictures but they were super fun. I am still a fan of the pancakes I made him last year though, little pink hearts!
This year I went simple with the sisters too. Didn't take any pics again. For my older sister I got her heart shaped sugar cookie cut outs and a red trivet for the kitchen. For my younger sisters I got them PINK hot chocolate.

Last year's gift to my sisters was probably my favorite and I had no idea how to top it this year. Last year I hit up ebay and got each of my sisters vintage Avon fashion jewelry. I got Heather and Sage rings, but there was no way I could find a ring small enough for Jade, so I got her clip on earrings (she doesn't have her ears pierced). I made some templates on the computer and printed them out on card stock in place of traditional cards. I thought they were so cute.
As another side note from last year, I also gave our Nursery kids at church a little valentines. I wasn't teaching my CTR kids for the holiday this year, but I think something like this would have worked for them too. Anyone who has ever been in Nursery knows how much little kids LOVE bubbles.
Of course I got a gift or two myself. Jeff really hit it out of the park this year.
1. Chocolates: Check- girl scout cookies
2. Flowers: Check- a beautiful rose
3. Perfume: Check- Reed diffuser- perfume for the house
4. Jewelry: Check- A wonderful lovely heart bracelet.
Valentines always makes me so happy. I hope everyone else had as wonderful of a day as I did.