That night "the parents" dragged us all to a Michael McClain concert, The Forgotten Carols. I like musicals, I like the theater, but this just was not my thing. I was totally jealous of my hubby and Lora's fiance Mat for going to the Utah Jazz game. MUCH rather have been there!
The next day ended up turning around again though. As we were inevitably waiting on the rest of the family to get where they said they would be an hour ago, Jeff and I got to explore Thanksgiving Point (I didn't mind getting to hang out with just the two of us). They had these reindeer on display for the kiddos and I think that they were a little stressed out.
This picture just needs a caption under it saying something like "You want me to pull this slay with the jolly ol' 200 lb elf in the back?"
We walked the grounds and saw how pretty it can be when you don't live in Vegas. I actually was considering moving to Utah!
An hour later the rest of my family finally met up with us at Thanksgiving Point and we toured the Dinosaur museum they have there. I love that going to a dinosaur museum is what my family does on vacation. We are all such dorks.
That night we went and toured the grounds at Temple Square. This was by far my highlight of the weekend. Since a BYU game just got out at the Energy Solutions Center (Jeff ditched us all again and went the game), the grounds were super crowded and everyone was so joyful. It was wonderful to be around so many Saints. Not to mention, the Temple Grounds were gorgeous! Such a cute newly engage couple!

Jeffs new best friend this trip, our little cousin.

The next morning we went and saw a taping of The Spoken Word. That was just the cherry on top to the end of our little vacation. The Tabernacle Choir was amazing live. I couldn't believe that I had been in the SLC area on so many Sunday's before and not taken advantage of this. I will definitely be doing this again next time I'm in town.

Since the Spoken word is a live taping, they asked everyone before to be as quiet as possible to get a good recording. I have never before heard that many Mormon families with a bunch of little kids be so silent. If only we could all do that in Sacrament I'm sure we would get more out of the talks.
All and all it was a pretty fun, quick, and painless weekend. I'm not sure if I would want to do it again with that many people, but I could see Jeff and I taking the kids up one year (once again I am making plans for our imaginary children). Definitely a good way to enjoy in the all the Christmas cheer!